Guest Sermons

Speakers: Alex Dwyer , Alex Saran (Guest Preacher) , Brian LoPiccolo , Chris Calvi , Dan Passerelli (Guest Speaker) , Dan Smith (Guest Preacher) , Doug McNutt , Dr. S. A. Fix , Drew Wilkins (Guest Preacher) , Glenn Parkinson , Jason Van Bemmel , Jesse Crutchley , Jon Pickens , Jon Pickens (Guest Pastor) , Kevin Ball (Guest Preacher) , Kevin Galloway (Guest Preacher) , Max Benfer (Guest Speaker) , Mike Stephan (Guest Preacher) , Nate Waddell , Rev. Crawford Stevener (Guest Preacher) , Rick Holmes , Rob Gicking (Guest Preacher) , Skip Dusenbury , Tom Wenger , Tom Wenger Sr (Guest Preacher) , Trip Beans

Title Scripture Date Duration
Rob Gicking - Matthew 25:14-30 - The Master’s Superabundance Matthew 25:14-30 2022-08-07 31:16
Tom Wenger Sr - 1 Corinthians 15:1-10 - What is the Gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:1-10 2022-07-31 27:23
Drew Wilkins - Matthew 6:9-10 - Pray Then Like This Matthew 6:9-10 2022-07-24 40:43
Kevin Ball - Ruth 4:1-22 - An Amazing Resolution Ruth 4:1-22 2022-07-17 35:59
Kevin Ball - Ruth 3:1-18 - A Solution, with a Complication Ruth 3:1-18 2022-07-10 35:19
Dan Passerelli - Jonah 1:1-17 - Grace Runs Deep Jonah 1:1-17 2022-07-03 32:04
Kevin Ball - Ruth 2 - Survival and Suspense Ruth 2 2022-06-26 40:00
Kevin Ball - Ruth 1:1-22 - Loss and Hope Ruth 1:1-22 2022-06-19 35:05
Rob Gicking - Romans 12:1-2, 9-10 - True Honor Romans 12:1-2
Romans 12:9-10
2022-06-12 25:31
Kevin Ball - Luke 19:28-44 - Triumph and Tragedy Luke 19:28-44 2022-04-10 32:29
Alex Saran - Romans 5:1-11 - We Can Lift Up Our Heads Romans 5:1-11 2022-03-20 42:50
Kevin Ball - Isaiah 63:15-64:4 - Waiting for the Heavens to Open Isaiah 63:15-64:4 2021-12-26 32:25
Kevin Ball - Isaiah 55:1-9 - An Uncommon Invitation Isaiah 55:1-9 2021-10-10 32:33
Kevin Galloway - Luke 18:9-14 - God, Be Merciful to Me, a Sinner! Luke 18:9-14 2021-08-17 35:22
Kevin Ball - Luke 12:22-34 - Anxiety, Fear, and the Kingdom of God Luke 12:22-34 2021-06-13 31:33
Kevin Ball - Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 - The World: As It is Now and Where It’s Going Matthew 13:24-30
Matthew 13:36-43
2021-04-11 36:31
Rev. Crawford Stevener - Philippians 3:1-11 - Where is Your Confidence? Philippians 3:1-11 2020-11-15 35:44
Mike Stephan - Job 42:1-9 - I Had Heard of You But Now My Eye Sees You Job 42:1-9 2020-10-18 37:49
Kevin Ball - Matthew 20:1-16 - The Kingdom of Heaven: It’s Not Fair! Matthew 20:1-16 2020-10-11 32:32
Dan Smith (Guest Preacher) - 1 Samuel 29:1-11 - We Get What We Deserve [06.07.2015] 1 Samuel 29:1-11 2015-06-07 42:00

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